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SEN Information, EHC Plan & Accessibility

Our school aims to give all children the opportunity to fulfil their potential. We identify children with learning or behavioural difficulties, ranging from minor, temporary difficulties through to problems which require a high level of individual care. When necessary, additional support is provided, depending on the individual child‘s need. This will be decided after thorough and careful assessment and by discussions between the teacher, Parents and the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). Other members of staff may be called in when and where appropriate. Parents are consulted and involved at every stage and no decisions are made without their prior consent. Accountability and high expectations is now a strong feature throughout the school and central in provision.

Our Inclusion Leader is Mrs. L. Jackson and our SENCo is Miss. S. Elsey. They are supported by Mrs. K. Dance. 

They can be contacted on the school telephone number: 01442 406000 or email address:

Galley Hill Primary School is an inclusive school and may offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND.

Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan

If you have a child with an EHC plan then please contact the school and a member of the SENCo team can discuss your child's plan with you. 

If a child in our school has significant needs that may need to be supported by an EHC plan, then a member of the school SEN team would contact the parent/carer and discuss this process. As a school we would work together to make the application for the assessment. 

If you have a child with special educational needs or a disability (SEND), the Local Offer is for you and the family. Visit the one stop shop for information and advice on special educational needs or disabilities at  Hertfordshire local offer webpage - see the link below.

Families can find information and advice online whether it is where to find a support group, information about how to apply for an EHCP assessment, what the pathway to adulthood entails or simply where to find more detail on a child’s condition – visit the Hertfordshire local Offer link below.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, email the Local Authority at

Every school in Hertfordshire will offer a range of interventions for children and young people and these will differ from school to school dependant on the school’s organisation.

Dacorum DSPL website
Delivering Special Provision Locally is a Hertfordshire-wide initiative, working to improve the range of provision and support services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, aged 0-25. Use the DSPL website to find support, courses and networks that can support families with children with SEN.


The Disability and Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for schools and LEA's to discriminate against disabled pupils for a reason relating to their disability without justification.

Galley Hill Primary School aims to cater for the full ability range and the presence or absence of a special need is not a factor in the selection of pupils from its catchment area, unless it is felt by agreement with the parents and professionals involved that alternative arrangements would be more suitable.

The school buildings are accessible, all around the exterior, by ramps or by an internal lift in Key Stage 2.  There are two disabled toilet facilities, with hoists. The school has a number of staff qualified in First Aid and are able to administer medication with parental permission.

Our Accessibility Plan can be found, along with our Equalities Policy and Objectives, on our Policies page.