Happy new year to you all! I hope that 2025 is a happy and healthy year for our whole school community. It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back this week, see their enthusiasm for their learning and to return to some routine. The staff certainly all had an educational start to the term as we all participated in our First Aid training refresher all day on Monday and I know the children have all been equally as busy since their return on Tuesday. We look forward to sharing the children’s learning with you at opportunities throughout the term, including open classrooms and sharing assemblies.
School Uniform and PE Kits
Just a reminder that our school uniform and PE kit expectations can be found on our website: Galley Hill Primary School and Nursery - Uniform
This includes that children should wear plain black shoes or trainers for school and that PE kit should be a plain or school logo royal blue t-shirt with a PLAIN black or navy tracksuit. All the supermarket chains do variations of the plain tracksuits that are suitable for school. We are seeing quite a variation from our expectations, particularly on PE days and this needs to be rectified as quickly as possible please.
PE Days
You will know that children should come to school wearing their PE kits on their PE days. For the Spring term, these will be:
Monday: Reception (both classes), Year 3 (both classes) and 2 Pearl
Tuesday: Year 1 (both classes) and Year 4 (both classes)
Wednesday: Nursery, Year 3 (both classes) and Year 2 (both classes)
Thursday: Year 1 (both classes), Year 5 (both classes), Year 6 (both classes) and Year 4 Coral
Friday: Year 5 (both classes), Year 6 (both classes), 4 Opal and 2 Diamond
Sharing Assemblies
Our sharing assemblies are the opportunity for the children to share their learning with parents and some of the rest of the school. Each class will present one sharing assembly in the year. Our assemblies begin at 9am.
The sharing assemblies for this term are:
4 Opal – Thursday 16th January
2 Pearl – Thursday 30th January
6 Topaz – Thursday 13th February
1 Crystal – Thursday 13th March
5 Sapphire – Thursday 20th March
Reception Turquoise – Thursday 3rd April
Open Classrooms
Our next open classrooms event will take place on Monday 13th January from 3:15pm to 3:45pm. This is a chance for you to come into your child’s class and look at their learning in their books and on display. While school staff may be present, it is not a time for detailed discussions about your child’s progress. If you wish to speak in detail about your child with their teacher, please feel free to make an alternative appointment. We also have parent consultations scheduled for this term on Wednesday 12th March and Thursday 13th March.
No Crossing Patrol on Gadebridge Road
There will be no crossing patrol along Gadebridge Road by the gate from Monday 10th January to Friday 24th January so please do take extra care when crossing before and after school.
Suzanne Stace's Parent Workshop Reminder
Wednesday 15th January 9am - 10.30 am
We have reinvited Suzanne Stace back, due to positive feedback, from Unlocking Children’s Potential to share with you how vitally important it is for us to work together with you to support your children's mental health and well-being and help manage tricky emotions.
During the session she will share with you the importance of children understanding their emotions, develop their emotional literacy and provide you with practical ways you can support your children to build their resilience and manage their big emotions such as worry, fear, anxiety, anger, attachment and separation. As well as how to support you to respond to them during these more challenging times. In addition she can advise you on supporting your child with improving bed time routines. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any specific questions or tips on supporting your child manage their day to day emotions.
You can sign up on Arbor to register your interest in this workshop.
PGL Information Meeting - Wednesday 15th January
Mrs Spooner is holding an information meeting about PGL for our current Year 5 parents to give some more information about the PGL trip, what to expect and to try and answer any questions that you might have. Children are also welcome to come along in case they have any questions about the trip.
The meeting will be at 5.15pm-5.45pm in the main hall. If you wish to come along then please come via the office.