Emerald Class Blog
DT Monday 10th February
In DT, with Mrs Larner, the children have been looking at mechanical systems. After exploring lots of different ways to make pop up books with moving parts, the children worked in pairs to create pages for their very own pop up version of Little Red Riding Hood.
Take a look at their book in the attached PDF (link : https://www.galleyhill.herts.sch.uk/page/?title=Emerald+Work+Uploads&pid=400) - it is amazing!
Science Wednesday 29th January
This week we used magnets to test things around the classroom to see if they were magnetic. If they repelled the object we knew it wasn't magnetic but if it attracted the object we knew it was magnetic.
Take a look at our photos in the album below.
Science - Friday 17th January
Today we had lots of fun investigating our enquiry question 'Do objects move on all surfaces the same?'
To find out, we borrowed some small cars from reception. We then found different surfaces around the classroom and outside and pushed or flicked our cars in the same way each time. We then measured how far the car travelled on the different surfaces. We discovered that if a surface is rough the car didn't travel as far as it did on a smooth surface, this is because on a rough surface there is more friction and this slowed our cars down.
Take a look at our photos in the album below.
Week Beginning Tuesday 7th January
We have had a very busy return to school this week. In Maths, we have been learning all about multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and using related facts to help us with harder calculations. For example, if we know 2 X 5 = 10, then we know 2 X 50 = 100.
In history, we started learning about the Ancient Egyptians, and we started our topic by looking at a timeline. We were amazed at how far back Egyptian civilisation began, but even more amazed at how long the Stone-age lasted.
Unfortunately, we didn't get to do our 'Glow dance' as the instructor was poorly but this is being rearranged, so hopefully we can get our groove on soon.
Please remember that the Emeralds' new PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Week Beginning Monday 16th December
This week the children made pizza's. They weighed out various ingredients to make pizza dough and then left that to prove overnight so that they grew in size. They then spent time chopping up lots of different vegetables that they could use as toppings for their pizza. Once the dough had proved, they spread their dough out into a base shape, added tomato sauce, cheese and toppings, some children made half and half pizza's with half just cheese and half with veggies. Finally, they evaluated their pizzas.