Turquoise Class Blog
Welcome back to school!
We hope you all had a lovely break. This week we have been exploring the book 'Dear Dinosaur' .
This book is about a boy who writes to a dinosaur in a museum and the dinosaur writes back to him. We have been looking at the questions the boy asks the dinosaurs and thinking of our own questions that we would ask a dinosaur.
Next week we will be looking at a non-fiction book about dinosaurs, finding out information and facts about dinosaurs. We will learn how to use a contents page.
We have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week! We have been making and writing our Christmas cards, as well as making tree decorations and dancing in our Christmas party!
We have been practising our reading by matching CVC words to their pictures:
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the book 'Martha Maps It Out'. This book looks at maps ranging from the universe to a map of a bedroom. We have been drawing maps of our own bedrooms.
We have also been exploring 'Bonfire Night' and fireworks, creating our own firework pictures.
In Maths we have been matching objects using the vocabulary same and different.
In Literacy we are looking at the book ‘Once There Were Giants’ written by Martin Waddell.
We have been discussing who is in our own families.
We have also been looking carefully at our faces, naming our features. Using mirrors, we have drawn our faces, pencil, thinking about where our features are in relation to each other. Using coloured pencils, we added colour to our self-portraits.
Next, we are going to be talking about how the baby in the story changes from a baby to an adult. We will be exploring vocabulary such as: baby, toddler, child, teenager and adult.
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