Welcome to our website
Message from the Headteacher
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Galley Hill Primary School and Nursery.
We are incredibly proud of our school and the children who learn here. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school community and our positive behaviour policy is based on a therapeutic approach. We value the contribution of parents, staff and governors in ensuring we provide the very best education to all of the children in our care.
As a school community, we are fully committed to our vision and mission statement, which many of our current staff and governors worked together to devise. We actively teach the children the meaning of some of the key vocabulary from within these statements and provide them opportunities wherever possible to become resilient, persevere, be curious and build high aspirations.
Through our engaging curriculum, we teach the children a love of learning and the skills and knowledge needed to be citizens in the 21st century. We take opportunities to promote fundamental British Values and have made pupil well-being a high priority within our school as we feel this is an essential part of our work. We fully understand our role in cultivating our pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide opportunities throughout the school day and through our range of extra-curricular activities to develop these areas.
At Galley Hill Primary School and Nursery, we are fully committed to the safeguarding of pupils and take online safety very seriously. With the support of parents, we proactively teach our pupils how to keep themselves safe online.
We hope that our website will be useful to you, and will answer any questions you may have about Galley Hill Primary School and Nursery. If you require a paper copy of any items on our website, these can be printed for you free of charge on request to the school office. Please also feel free to contact us if you require any further information about any aspect of school life.
Mrs. Emily Birch