Crystal Class Blog
Welcome to Crystal Class
Week 30/9 We have had a busy start to our half term. I have been very impressed with the amount of homework being completed at home!
Well done to everyone using Numberbots to challenge our learning, each week we will have a Numberbot champion! Last week was Andrada well done Andrada
Word wall
Every time we learn a new or exciting word we add it to our word wall. If we are really impressed by a word we have it as our word of the week. This week our word was 'churn' We also share this word on our class door.
PSHE - This week we have learnt about worry heroes and who we can share our worries with! We created posters of our worry heroes!
We also learnt about trusted adults and we created 5 adults we can trust hands!
Week 23/9
We have been learning about Andy Warhol, we worked hard to create self portraits in the style of Andy Warhol
No photo albums have been added to this gallery yet.