Opal Class Blog
Welcome to Opal Class Blog
Our class blog will be updated each week so keep a close eye on what we have all been, up to.
Class Read
After lunch every day, the class teacher reads some of our class book to the class. Our class book will be available to see here.
We chose our class book for this term: Dave pigeon (kittens!) by Swapna Haddow.
Each week we will be selecting a word of the week as a WOW word. Please try and use our word of the week in your homework or in class work. Extra house points and stickers are up for grabs.
WOW, Word! Of the week:
(20th September): VISCOSITY
(27th September): VELOCITY
(4th October) : EXOTIC
During our Maths lessons we have been learning more about Roman numerals, we explored higher numbers by playing a pairing game. Check out our Photo Gallery.
During this term in science, we have been looking at solids, liquids and gases.
We completed an experiment using shower gel, honey and water. We created a slope and timed how long it took for each item to reach the bottom of our slope. We timed each one three times. Our results showed that water has the least viscosity. Honey had the highest viscosity.