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At Galley Hill, we aim to meet the statutory requirements of the national curriculum, guidance on relationships education and health education, Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education and framework for the early years foundation stage, and the children’s needs through Our Curriculum.

We see pupils as discoverers, exploring subjects. Subject leaders have carefully developed Route Maps (programmes of study) for EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2, showing the Pathways (matters, skills and processes) to follow and Signposts (attainment targets) reached along them leading to End Points (aims). These are further elaborated in child-friendly language for each year group through Journey Planners (knowledge organisers) with a focus on knowledge, skills and vocabulary, and identifying links.

The core subjects are English, mathematics and science. The other foundation subjects are art and design, computing, design and technology, languages (French), geography, history, music; personal, social, health and economic education (including relationships education), physical education and religious education.

Class teachers are responsible for long, medium and short-term planning, and resources for lessons, where this is neither part of a scheme (Penpals for Handwriting, ESSENTIALmaths, Purple Mash, Language Angels, Music Express & realPE) nor provided by specialists (Hertfordshire Music Service, Hemel Hempstead Leisure Centre & coaching), with learning objectives, introductions, differentiated activities and plenaries. The learning journey is the centrepiece of learning environments, and working walls support teaching of English and mathematics. Outcomes are monitored by subject leaders and concerns addressed.

The curriculum intent below reflects our ambition for the children and them taking ownership of their in-depth learning, unique social context and the importance of progression.

At Galley Hill, we are committed to providing a curriculum that equips every child with the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to fulfil their potential while nurturing well-being; prepares them for further education and means they can become ambitious, confident citizens. Curiosity and resilience lead all children to embrace increasing responsibility for moving their learning forward together while developing independently an especially rich appreciation of those aspects which reflect their individual interests. Carefully designed journeys to clear end points build systematically on prior learning, address identified gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills, and are signposted with what needs to be achieved next. A wide variety of experiences our children might otherwise not have inspire creativity and discussion, and furnish enhanced opportunities to apply and improve basic transferrable skills essential for success.

Phonics and reading

Our chosen phonics scheme is Supersonic Phonics Friends. 

You can find out more about this scheme on their website: Home - Supersonic Phonic Friends

The children have a home reading book. This book is carefully matched to the phonics teaching they are working on on school. 

Parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum our school is following, including setting suitable challenges, responding to pupils’ needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils, and The Prevent duty and fundamental British values, in the curriculum policy, or by contacting the school office: