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Welcome to Reception Class 2024-2025

GARNET TEAM: Miss Walmsley (Teacher), Mrs Prince (EYP) and Mrs Dumpleton (EYP)

TURQUOISE TEAM: Mrs Oakley (Teacher & EYFS Lead) and Mrs Smyth (EYP) 

Welcome to the Reception class page! We very much look forward to getting to know your child and helping them to enjoy their first year at school. Moving into Reception is an exciting stage in your child’s learning journey and our aim is to provide an enabling and stimulating environment in which your children feel happy to explore and learn. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the ‘curriculum’ of the Reception year. The EYFS framework sets out key learning goals for your child’s early development which, if achieved, provide the 'foundations' for all later learning and successes, focusing on developing every child's skills through, playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically through 7 areas of learning and development:

The 3 Prime Areas of the EYFS are:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development. 

The 4 Specific Areas of the EYFS are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

We help our Reception children to work towards the Early Learning Goals which are the Knowledge, Skills and Understanding children should have at the end of their first academic year at school. Our work involves ongoing assessment and reporting to parents and/or carers as well as considering our children’s Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements. 

Important Information