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Weekly Homework

See right for updates and homework sheets.

Year 5 & Year 6 Galley Hill Homework expectations:

Pupils are expected to

  • Read - 4x a week and an adult must sign the reading record so we can tick you off. ​
  • Maths worksheet – complete a worksheet linked to the maths that week or based on times tables.  Extra homework stickers are available if children also complete Times Table Rock Stars. ​
  • Weekly Creative Homework Task Sheet – once a week. 

Homework is issued on Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday.

We would like to remind pupils and adults that as homework is handed out on a Friday, there are 5 afternoons/evenings to complete it before handing it in on Wednesday. Therefore, being busy on a Tuesday night is no excuse for not completing homework as there are 4 other days to complete the tasks.

Spelling is no longer being set for homework as we are working in school to ensure understanding of spelling patterns rather than learning a list of spellings. Available, is the list of vocabulary-building activities from previous years, should you wish to continue this routine at home.

  • Times Tables Rock Stars
    Access to student logins can be found in a pupil's reading record or be requested from a member of the Y5 team.