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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPECT'


  • Newsletter 29th January

    Fri 29 Jan 2021
  • Newsletter 8th January

    Fri 08 Jan 2021
  • Home and School Learning Update

    Tue 05 Jan 2021

    Mon 04 Jan 2021

    Unfortunately our email and texting service is currently down. I expect too many schools are trying to use it simultaneously. Here is an update regarding school tomorrow:


    Dear Parents,


    I expect you will have just heard the announcement Boris Johnson has made that we are going back into lockdown and schools are switching to remote learning as from tomorrow. Once again, we had no prior warning to this announcement being made and had been prepared to open tomorrow as usual.


    Obviously it is very late for us to put in place all preparations to switch to remote learning by tomorrow morning and to identify all children who qualify for a place at school as the child of a critical worker or because they are considered to be vulnerable. We have therefore made the decision to ask all staff to come into school tomorrow so that we can open every class.


    If you think your child qualifies for a place in school during this lockdown (because you are a critical worker or because they are vulnerable: have an EHCp or a Social Worker), please send them into school tomorrow using the usual time and entry point for their class. We can then spend the day identifying who does and does not qualify for a place and ensure that on-going arrangements can be put in place. A full list of who qualifies as a critical worker can be accessed here:


    Unfortunately our remote learning offer for tomorrow will not meet the standard we hope to achieve going forward as the teachers simply do not have the time to prepare for this but we do have some activities on our website that the children can access tomorrow. These can be accessed here:  Please encourage your child to access some learning tomorrow. There will be an expectation for them to be completing learning activities set on a daily basis.  


    I am incredibly sorry for the short notice regarding this closure for the majority of our children but, as previously, we are contacting you as quickly as possible following the announcement. I will of course write to you tomorrow with further details as soon as we have them.


    Thank you for your continued support.

    Mrs Birch

  • Parent Update Letter

    Fri 01 Jan 2021


     1 January 2021



    Dear Parents / Carers,



    I would like to begin by wishing you all a happy new year. Let us hope that 2021 brings us some relief from these difficult times that we find ourselves in.


    After much uncertainty, you will no doubt be aware that, on Wednesday, the government announced that most primary schools will be returning to face to face education next week. This will mean that, as things stand, our Galley Hill children should all be back in school with us on Tuesday 5 January as planned.


    We are absolutely committed to the education of the children in our care but I am also committed to trying to keep our whole school community as safe as possible in these worrying times. You will all be aware that cases are continuing to increase and we all have a shared responsibility to keep ourselves and each other safe.


    As parents, there are many ways that you can support us with this:

    • Ensure that you and your children are sticking to the tier 4 restrictions and restricting contact with others outside of your household bubble.
    • Following our guidelines that we set out at the start of the year regarding drop off and collection times, for example: arriving only a couple of minutes before your child’s start time, keeping your child with you while waiting, only one adult coming on to the school site, maintaining social distancing, following the one way systems etc.
    • Wearing a mask at all times when on the school site, unless you are genuinely exempt.
    • If your child walks to or from school on their own, remind them to come straight to school / straight home without going to the shops or stopping elsewhere and not walking with children who are not in their class bubble.
    • Ensuring that you follow any direction to self-isolate given to yourselves or your child. This means you cannot leave the house for any reason.
    • Keeping your child at home if they, or any member of your household or support bubble (if you are eligible for one) shows any symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature, persistent cough, loss of taste or smell).
    • Being understanding if we call to ask you to come and collect your child because we are worried about symptoms they are displaying. We will continue to be mindful that children get colds and coughs but we do have a responsibility or the safety of all.
    • Letting us know as soon as possible if your child tests positive for Covid-19. You can text 07435 502505 if you get your results outside of school office opening hours.


    Thank you in advance for continuing to work with us so we can educate your children as safely as possible at this time. We will be continuing to update our risk assessments, following official guidance and keeping you informed throughout this term. It does appear that things are changing rapidly but we continue to be informed of things at the same time as the general public. We will respond to any changes as quickly as we can and of course update you all.


    We very much appreciate your continued support.


    Yours faithfully,


    Mrs E. Birch

    Head Teacher


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