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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'FORGIVENESS'


Homework in Year 6


Weekly you will be completing reading, maths and vocabulary homework. Homework is set on a Friday and is due back in class on a Wednesday.


Reading: Please continue to read for pleasure! You should record the reading you do both independently and with an adult in your reading record books.

You should do this at least 3 times over a week.

We encourage you to talk with people at home about the books you have read.

Can you summarise what you have read?  

Can you predict the next event in the book?  

Can you identify and give reasons for why a character is experiencing certain emotions?


You will also have a short reading comprehension sheet that needs to be completed each week. 


Maths: Please continue to practise times tables either on paper or using TTRS online - you should all have your Times Tables Rock Stars logins.  Quick recall of the times tables is an essential skill that is used in a wide range of maths activities.


You can also complete your maths homework on blooket there are three links to chose from:



You will now also have a maths sheet with fluency questions that will need to be completed - this will be linked to work completed in class. 


Vocabulary: We are no longer doing a ‘test’ of spellings each week - we are now focusing on understanding and developing of vocabulary for our homework task.

We will still be teaching the National Curriculum spelling objectives in class each week. In your homework book, there is a vocabulary activity grid.  You should choose and complete at least one of these using the specified number of words for the activity.


This weeks words are: programme, pronunciation, queue, recognise, recommend, relevant, restaurant, rhyme

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