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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Week 7 16.10.2023

Hello Nursery!


Wow, can you believe it is the last week of the first half term already! You have all had an amazing start and we are very proud of you all.


This will be our last week on the topic: ourselves and our senses.


We will be finishing off the topic with our story Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?


In our phonics lessons we will be continuing to in phase 1 and playing lots of sound games.


In Maths we will be focussing on positional language. This includes words such as: up, down, on, in, under, above.


On Thursday we will be visiting the school woodlands area again with Mrs Meggitt so please don't forget your wellies!


We will also be starting our computing lessons with Mrs Parsons on Wednesday which is very exciting. The children will be using the IPads and the computers at the computing suite and accessing our school curriculum purple and mini mash.


We hope you all have a wonderful half term break, we will see you soon!


Mrs Meggitt and Mrs Parsons.

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