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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Safe use of Images

Respecting and Caring
for the
Whole School Community


Galley Hill Primary School staff and governors have reviewed and adopted Hertfordshire guidance on the Safe use of images for parents and carers.


To support the 'Safe Use of Images' and explain the safeguarding concerns Hertfordshire have developed an information sheet to support parents and carers with safety.


This guidance will be highlighted at school productions, sports days and any other public events when families may take photographs.


ICT including the internet, email, laptops, digital cameras etc. has become an
important part of learning in our school. All pupils use these facilities as an essential part of learning, and as required by the National Curriculum.


As part of the new school e-safety policy both pupils and their parents/carers are asked to sign to show that the e-Safety Rules have been understood and agreed.


Parent’s Consent for Web Publication of Work and Photographs - parents are also asked to sign a consent form for their child's photograph to be included on the school website and class blogs.


Thank you for your support.

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