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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Things to do at home!

Engaging Activities from mrs_early_years

20 things to do before learning to read!

Supporting Independence!


In the nursery year, children will learn many skills. Independence underpins everything your child will learn. One of the skills is getting dressed independently. The first step is their coat. In nursery they learn the 'school way' I have posted a picture underneath so you know what your child is talking about. The children are doing so well in getting their coats on and now it will be their zip. Zips can be tricky so it may be in nursery year or even the reception year.


Autumn and Spring Terms we will be taking off and on our shoes and socks for PE. Could you please help your child to get used to this? To help with this, could you please ensure your child's shoes are labelled. You could also put a sticker in your child's shoes to support their left and right and knowing which ones are their shoes.


After Easter, we will be starting to learn how to get changed for PE, it is not just about taking off our uniform and putting on our PE kits.  It is also about your child learning that they need to put all of their uniform back in their PE bags so your child does not lose it! 

In school, each child will have their own chair.  This helps children to create a space which is there's.  

We will be providing more guidance to support your child to get changed for PE.


Many Thanks
Mrs Parsons

Supporting Independence!

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