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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Information from Teachers

Meeting with Your Child’s Teacher

The school holds two formal Parents’ Evenings during the year, in October and February, when you can meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress and any other important issues. More informally, parents are welcome to have a brief word with the teacher at the end of the school day. If a longer discussion is needed, the teacher will make an appointment to meet with you at a mutually convenient time.


The school asks that parents do not delay their child’s teacher at the beginning of the school day.


Assessments and Reports

The teachers assess the children throughout the school year to ensure that they achieve their full potential and any difficulties are addressed. They will discuss your child’s progress at Parent Evening meetings. At the end of each school year, you will receive a detailed written report on your child’s progress.

Reception and Nursery children are assessed throughout the year which enables the Foundation Stage staff to ensure all children are making at least the expected progress. At the end of the year the reception children are assessed using the Foundation Stage Profile and this is shared with parents at the end of the year.


Comments Complaints Compliments

The school is very eager to listen to your comments about the work of the school. There are staff available on the playground before the start of the school day and at the end of the day.


Any concerns should be raised with the class teacher in the first instance. Only when a solution is not found should the concern be raised with the key Stage Lead. The next step is to contact the Headteacher and the formal complaints procedure followed. A copy of this can be obtained from the school office.

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