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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Week 5 02.10.2023

Hi Nursery


This week we will be continuing our topic: ourselves and our senses. 


We will be focussing on our facial features this week and what features we have on our faces. We will be having lots of fun with a crazy faces sticking activity! 


As part of ourselves topic and the book Pants! We will be showing the children an age appropriate video and song from the NSPCC to help them understand how to stay safe. Below is a link to the song on the NSPCC website, there are also helpful links and information to talk about this sensitive topic to your child at home. Let's talk PANTS | NSPCC


This week is very exciting because we are starting our phonics lessons! At Galley Hill we use Super Sonic Phonics Friends. In Nursery phonics is all about getting the children used to hearing and distinguishing between different sounds. We will play lots of sound discrimination games that include things such as: listening walks and musical instrument exploration. You could always play games like this at home or even on your way to school. Simple spend a little time to listen to the sounds around you and tell someone what you can hear!


We are spending lots of time looking at patterns and colours in Nursery to support learning of sorting and classification. 


Our PE sessions start this week to and will happen every other week. For the autumn term Nursery do not get changed so if you have not got a PE kit for your child in Nursery do not worry. 


Please don't forget to sign up for the parents evening slots for week commencing 9th October.


Thank you 


Mrs Meggitt and Mrs Parsons



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