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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Homework - Spellings

Homework Guide

Dear Parents,

We have had a lot of questions as to how to complete the homework. Here is some guidance on how you could complete this with your child for Choose to Use...


1. How many words from the 'Choose to Use spellings' can they recognise?

2. Give one word from each of the 'Build, Read and Write' columns for your child to spell.

3. If able, your child could write a 'Cheeky Challenge' sentence underneath using some of the words above and the tricky words given.


10th February




Please read with your child at least 4x a week and record this in their reading record. Please note that the books provided to your child will be fully decodable, i.e. they should be able to read fluently/sound out confidently the majority of the words. If your child's book is too tricky for them, please speak to the class teacher.



Your child will be given a hard copy of the Phonics Newsletter of the week. Please find below a guide to some ideas for how to use this with your child! This shows you the words and sounds we have been learning in class that week. Your child will also receive a phonics jotter, which is for your child to show any phonics work that they have completed. 


Children will have received a sticker chart for completed homework.

3rd February




Please read with your child at least 4x a week and record this in their reading record. Please note that the books provided to your child will be fully decodable, i.e. they should be able to read fluently/sound out confidently the majority of the words. If your child's book is too tricky for them, please speak to the class teacher.



Your child will be given a hard copy of the Phonics Newsletter of the week. Please find below a guide to some ideas for how to use this with your child! This shows you the words and sounds we have been learning in class that week. Your child will also receive a phonics jotter, which is for your child to show any phonics work that they have completed. 


Children will have received a sticker chart for completed homework.

27th January




Please read with your child at least 4x a week and record this in their reading record. Please note that the books provided to your child will be fully decodable, i.e. they should be able to read fluently/sound out confidently the majority of the words. If your child's book is too tricky for them, please speak to the class teacher.



Your child will be given a hard copy of the Phonics Newsletter of the week. Please find below a guide to some ideas for how to use this with your child! This shows you the words and sounds we have been learning in class that week. Your child will also receive a phonics jotter, which is for your child to show any phonics work that they have completed. 


Children will have received a sticker chart for completed homework.

20th January




Please read with your child at least 4x a week and record this in their reading record. Please note that the books provided to your child will be fully decodable, i.e. they should be able to read fluently/sound out confidently the majority of the words. If your child's book is too tricky for them, please speak to the class teacher.



Your child will be given a hard copy of the Phonics Newsletter of the week. Please find below a guide to some ideas for how to use this with your child! This shows you the words and sounds we have been learning in class that week. Your child will also receive a phonics jotter, which is for your child to show any phonics work that they have completed. 


Children will have received a sticker chart for completed homework.

13th January


As you will have seen from the Home Learning Letter, we have a new Homework Policy at Galley Hill. In Year 1 the changes are as follows:



Please read with your child at least 4x a week and record this in their reading record. Please note that the books provided to your child will be fully decodable, i.e. they should be able to read fluently/sound out confidently the majority of the words. If your child's book is too tricky for them, please speak to the class teacher.



Your child will be given a hard copy of the Phonics Newsletter of the week. Please find below a guide to some ideas for how to use this with your child! This shows you the words and sounds we have been learning in class that week. Your child will also receive a phonics jotter, which is for your child to show any phonics work that they have completed. 


We are currently developing a school-wide rewards system for completing homework. In the meantime, children will enjoy earning stickers for completed work!



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