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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Online Safety

At Galley Hill Primary School we are fully committed to the safeguarding of pupils and take e-Safety very seriously. With the support of parents, we pro-actively teach our pupils how to keep themselves safe online.

Here at Galley Hill school It is important to us that we work with parents to ensure our children are safe both in the real World and online. If pupils are asked to research class topics for information we would advise all parents and carers to supervise these activities.


Internet safety is part of the new primary Computing curriculum which states that
Pupils should be taught:

Key stage 1

Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.


Key Stage 2Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact


A range of resources are used in school to help children to understand the importance of keeping themselves and others safe online. These resources are constantly revised to respond to new technologies and changing issues.


Children and staff at Galley Hill Primary School are able to access the Internet through the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning (HGfL). It provides a safe and secure Internet and email environment to support teaching and learning. School internet access is controlled through the LA’s web filtering service (RM SafetyNet), all Internet activity is monitored and recorded.

Snapchat – Snapmaps

We are aware that many of our pupils are using Snapchat, and wanted you to be aware that it has just introduced a new feature, called the ‘Snap Map’. If Snapchat is updated this feature will be accessible to users, it is a location based map allowing users to see where their Snapchat contacts are and gives precise pinpoint information on a map.

There are three settings for this feature, these are;
Ghost mode – you can see contacts locations, but they cannot see you.
My Friends - all of your contacts on Snapchat can see your location.
Select Friends – allows users to decide which of their friends they want to be able to view their location.
We realise that this feature would be of benefit to you as parents but you may wish to change settings to select friends rather than all contacts knowing your childs’ location.

Safe use of Images

Respecting and Caring for the Whole School Community


Galley Hill Primary School staff and governors have reviewed and adopted Hertfordshire guidance on the Safe use of images for parents and carers. Please visit the page below for full information.

The links on this page are to external websites. All these links have been checked, but we cannot accept responsibility for the content on, or links from these sites. Children should always be supervised by a responsible adult when using the Internet.
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