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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Week 1 30.10.2023

Hi Nursery!


We hope you had a lovely half term holiday. 


This half term our topic is celebrations and festivals. 


Starting the topic off we will be learning about fireworks and reading a story called Sparks in the Sky. 


In our Maths we will be learning positional language and reading the story Bear Hunt to help us, the key words we will be looking at are: up, down, forwards, backwards, under and above. 


In phonics we are working in Phase 1 and we will be playing lots of games using instruments. 


On Wednesday we will be doing PE and on Thursday we will be going to the woodlands so please remember your wellies!


Mrs Meggitt and Mrs Parsons




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