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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Spring Learning Update

Spring Update 

Welcome back to Nursery and we cannot wait to start back on Friday 5th January.  We have so many exciting things to look forward too.  


Our Topic this half term will be Transport and People who help us.


Here are some of the key things we will be learning about next term.  

In Phonics, this half term we will be thinking about Rhyme. 

  • Rhyme is a crucial skill for all future phonic learning. 
  • It is important that children can hear that hat, cat, rat, sound the same at the end. 
  • We will be posting different activities you can do at home to support your child.  This skill takes time and we will be practising lots at nursery.  
  • A really simple way to support your child is when you hear it in a story.  Say " That rhymes" and say the words again "boat and goat".  


In Maths, this term we will be increasing our understanding of Number

  • In Nursery we will be focusing on recognising numbers to 5. 
  • We will be using our love of Number block to help us with this. 
  • When we learn about numbers it is really important that we learn everything about that number.  This helps us to form lots of links. 
  • Here are some of the questions we will be asking:
    • So what it looks like, for example 2. 
    • Can we count to 2?
    • Can we find 2 trees? 
    • Can we find 2 on a dice? 
    • Can we find the 2 Numicon? 
    • Do we know what comes before 2 and after? 
    • What is 1 less than 2?  


In PE, we will be learning to take off and put on our shoes and socks/tights for our lesson.  We will also be thinking about how it go on apparatus and learning to move in different ways.  


As part of our Physical Development learning, the children will be taking part in a session called 'Dough Disco', you may have heard of it.  Each child has there own piece of play doh and we learn to move the playdoh in different ways.  It is a lot of fun and is really good at strengthening the children's fingers.  



Things your child needs at nursery.  We continue to need the following things at nursery:

  • Change of clothes
  • Wellington boots
  • Water bottle
  • Coat
  • Hat, Scarf and gloves
  • Lunch box (if your child stays for lunch club)


As always any questions please speak to a member of staff at the door.  


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