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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

week 2 06.11.2023

Hi Nursery 


This week we will be looking at the book Kipper's Birthday and the children will have the opportunity to act out birthday parties and make birthday party props, such as hats, banner and cards.


In Maths we are learning about more and less.


In phonics we have started the next step in phase 1 and are exploring sounds and copying them, for example a pattern of clapping and stamping.


At circle time the children will be reading a story about being gentle and they will be learning what the word gentle means and how they can show gentle hands/feet.


In woodlands we will be making leaf bracelets with all of the colourful leaves that are falling on the ground at this time of year. 


On friday we will be making birthday party biscuits, the children will be exploring how icing sugar is changed when water is added, then they will be spreading the icing onto a biscuit and putting some decorations on. We will be eating these biscuits at a special birthday party snack time - if this is a problem please let Mrs Meggitt know on friday morning. 


We hope you all have a lovely week


Mrs Meggitt and Mrs Parsons

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