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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Crystal Class Blog



Welcome to Crystal's class blog! Hope you enjoy our learning!

23/11 This week we introduced our new DT unit on mechanisms and levers. We explored a range of lever and pop up books!

22/11 This week in Science we have been learning about the different parts of flowers and plants. We hope you like our creations.

In Autumn 2 Geography we are learning about the United Kingdom. We have been exploring maps, labelling and even singing songs.

Have a look at the video we have been learning, we loved learning the song

We made human features using construction!

In Autumn 1 we learnt about the history of toys over time. We even had a toy box on loan. We loved exploring them.

In Autumn 1 in Science we learnt about the weather and seasons. We enjoyed trying to find out about the weather and what season we were in. It was very tricky when the weather kept changing.


Here are some pictures from our Science unit

Science 18.01.22

We started our new unit on 'Animals and Humans' by having a WOW moment with a dog making a guest appearance in our class. We had such a lovely afternoon and really enjoyed the dogs visit and got to ask lots of questions about the dog. We even got to stroke the dog!


We have been learning about the Jewish festival of Hannukah. We discussed how light is an important part of the festival and the meaning behind it. We really enjoyed looking at some artefacts from the festival and discussed what they are used for and what they represent.

We all really liked the Menorah and worked really hard to decorate our own Menorah. We shared them with the rest of the class. Here are a few.


We have continued to learn about Seasons. We observed the changes in nature. We looked at the temperature, wind speed, leaf colour and what mini beasts we could find to help us. We recorded our findings. 

We also learnt why trees shed their leaves in Autumn. We then all did some drawings to show how trees change with the season.


Over the past few weeks we have been reading the book Corduroy by Don Freeman. We have been learning how to ask questions and use adjectives to describe the characters. We have all been working hard to plan and write our own version of this story. 



Corduroy by Don Freeman - READ ALOUD Books for Kids

05.09.22 Science

Today we explored seasons and looked at how trees change over the year. We then went outside to explore what season it is. We looked for clues and observed closely

08.09.22 Makaton

This week we have been learning how to sign hello and good morning

20.09.22 R.E. 

We have been learning about the Jewish festival Sukkot. We discovered that this is all about how they celebrate their harvest festival. We leaned that they make a Sukkah outside and they eat and sleep in it for 7 days. 

Today we went outside and worked in small groups to build our own Sukkot. We had lots of fun!

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