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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Snow Plan

Snow Procedures Plan



School Closure Notification System


In the event of bad weather we have put together a plan of expectations for the school community. In the first instance the school grounds & surrounding area will be inspected for safety of the whole school community use.
Whilst we will do everything within our power to keep the school open, should we have to close the school or implement the snow plan, you will be notified in the following ways:


  • Parent text message will be sent. To inform you whether the school is open/closed and whether you need to follow the snow plan. Please ensure the office has your latest mobile number.
  • The school’s website will post updates and inform you if there is a need to implement the snow plan with a link to the plan.
  • Information will be issued on the BBC Three Counties radio station (103.8 and 104.5 FM).
  • Herts County Council’s website ( for information on school closures.
  • Please only call the school to inform of absences, staff will be busy administering the snow plan. Wait for updates from the school.


If the school is to remain open:

Children should come to school in sensible outdoor footwear with a change for indoor use (normal school uniform).
Children will be allowed out to play, in rotation, on the Key Stage 2 field. Should there be a valid reason for your child not to go out please inform the school via a note given to the class teacher.
Children will be asked to follow Snow Safety Rules whist on school premises. This includes:

  • No sliding (especially over gritted areas)
  • No throwing of snow balls


Please note that snow routes on school grounds will be cleared, salted & gritted but may ice over in extreme weather conditions. Everyone should, take care whist on the school grounds and be aware that the school will not be liable for any injuries that occur.
Paths outside the school grounds are not the responsibility of the school and will not be included in our path clearing operations. Please contact Dacorum Borough Council if you have concerns.

Should we have to close the school for more than one day, class teachers will provide work for the children on the website.
We will aim to work together to ensure a safe environment is maintained for your child, you and the Galley Hill Team.

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