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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Harvest Assembly & Macmillan Coffee Morning


18 September 2018

Dear Parents/Carers

Harvest Festival

It’s that time again – our annual Harvest Assembly!

This year we will be collecting food for DENS Dacorum Foodbank.

We would be very grateful if you could kindly make a donation to help those in need. Please see the list below for examples of items needed. Please can all donations be handed into the school by Monday 1 October:

  • Milk (long life)
  • Fruit juice (1L long life)
  • Jam
  • Rice
  • Vegetables (tinned)
  • Sponge Puddings
  • Potatoes (tinned or instant mash)
  • Tinned cold meat (ham/corned beef)/Tinned hot meat
  • Fruit (tinned)
  • Rice Pudding (tinned)/Soup (tinned)/Tomatoes (tinned)
  • Custard
  • Coffee
  • Cereal bars/Chocolate Biscuits
  • Squash
  • Cooking sauces (pasta & curry)
  • Sugar


The children will be presenting a brief Harvest Assembly on Tuesday 2 October. The Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) children will be at 9 – 9.15am and the Early Years & Key Stage 1 (Nursery – Year 2) will be at 9.45 – 10.00am.

You are welcome to come and watch your child(ren).


Macmillan Biggest Coffee Morning

Galley Hill will be supporting and holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Tuesday 2 October after the Harvest Festival.

We invite you all to stay for ‘a nice cuppa and a slice a cake’!!! All proceeds will be donated to Macmillan.

To help support this invaluable fund raising event, please can we kindly ask if you could send in cake donations. You can either ‘make or fake’ the cakes!!! Homemade would be yummy but all cakes will be generously received and eaten at the coffee morning!!

Please can you bring or send in your cake donations on Monday 1 and/or the morning of Tuesday 2 October.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and look forward to seeing you all.


Yours sincerely



Mrs E Birch



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