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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Healthy Snack Letter


Dear Parents and Carers

As you know the week of 11th March was healthy eating week. All classes in school learnt about foods we can eat to keep us healthy. Children discussed healthy snacks they could eat at break time.

As a school we are focusing this year on how we can develop the children’s wellbeing. This has included learning about emotions, talking about how they feel, learning how to relax, introducing mindfulness and developing physical activities like the daily mile.

We want to continue focusing on every child’s wellbeing and ensure that all children have the most appropriate fuel inside their bodies to help them learn each day. We want to make sure the food children eat at break time will be a healthy snack.

As we stated in a previous newsletter we discussed at a parent forum what would be a healthy snack. A long discussion was held with a wide group of parents, about what foods to categorise as a healthy snack.

When the children start at Galley Hill School in nursery or reception they eat healthy snacks that are fruit or vegetables. The Government scheme to provide all Early Years and Key Stage One children with a piece of fruit or veg until the end of year 2 means that children do eat a healthy snack. We want to continue this healthy eating. EY’s and KS1 pupils will continue to be provided with fruit or veg each snack time. They can also bring in their own fruit or veg to eat at snack time if they wish.

Our focus on healthy eating will mean that children can bring to school fruit, vegetables or bread sticks for their morning snack. If your child does have a diagnosed medical condition that effects their eating, then please talk to their class teacher.

This snack must be kept in their bag. The snack must not be kept in their lunch box. Unfortunately, when children go into their lunch box to find their snack they are often tempted to find an unhealthy alternative!

Children will be told about “Team Galley Hill love healthy snacks” focus this week. We will be reminding children over the next two weeks about snacks. When we return to school on Tuesday 23rd April all children will be expected to bring in for their snack a piece of fruit or cut up fruit, vegetables or breadsticks. If children do have a different snack it will be kept safe for them and returned to them at the end of the school day to take home. We would also like to remind you that children should have water in their water bottles in the classroom. If they would like some flavour in their bottle, then flavoured water could be used. Please do not put juices or squash in the bottles.



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