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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'


Unfortunately our email and texting service is currently down. I expect too many schools are trying to use it simultaneously. Here is an update regarding school tomorrow:


Dear Parents,


I expect you will have just heard the announcement Boris Johnson has made that we are going back into lockdown and schools are switching to remote learning as from tomorrow. Once again, we had no prior warning to this announcement being made and had been prepared to open tomorrow as usual.


Obviously it is very late for us to put in place all preparations to switch to remote learning by tomorrow morning and to identify all children who qualify for a place at school as the child of a critical worker or because they are considered to be vulnerable. We have therefore made the decision to ask all staff to come into school tomorrow so that we can open every class.


If you think your child qualifies for a place in school during this lockdown (because you are a critical worker or because they are vulnerable: have an EHCp or a Social Worker), please send them into school tomorrow using the usual time and entry point for their class. We can then spend the day identifying who does and does not qualify for a place and ensure that on-going arrangements can be put in place. A full list of who qualifies as a critical worker can be accessed here:


Unfortunately our remote learning offer for tomorrow will not meet the standard we hope to achieve going forward as the teachers simply do not have the time to prepare for this but we do have some activities on our website that the children can access tomorrow. These can be accessed here:  Please encourage your child to access some learning tomorrow. There will be an expectation for them to be completing learning activities set on a daily basis.  


I am incredibly sorry for the short notice regarding this closure for the majority of our children but, as previously, we are contacting you as quickly as possible following the announcement. I will of course write to you tomorrow with further details as soon as we have them.


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Birch

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