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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Key Stage 1 Christmas Concert


20 November 2018


Dear Parents/Carers

Key Stage One Christmas Concert


Our Christmas Concert will take place in the main school hall on Wednesday 12 December at 6.00pm and Thursday 13 December at 6.00pm.

There will also be a dress rehearsal on Tuesday 11 December at 1.30pm, a limited number of seats at this performance are being offered to parents with toddlers only.


The children will need to be back in school at 5.30pm for the evening performances to allow time to get dressed.


Due to fire regulations, we are only able to offer 2 tickets per family. Please complete the slip below and return it to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible or by Monday 3 December at the latest. We will do our very best to accommodate you and will inform you if there are any spare tickets available.


This year we will be issuing numbered tickets for all performances and we would like to make it clear that every seated member of the audience will need to have and bring their own ticket, this includes toddlers who will be sitting on their parents’/carers’ laps. This is because we need to be very sure that we are not breaking any Health and Safety or Fire regulations.


For the same Health and Safety and Fire reasons we are unable to allow any buggies into the hall for the performances, unfortunately we cannot make any exceptions.


Can we politely ask you to remember that the children performing are very young and easily distracted so please do not feel embarrassed to take your toddler out to calm them down if they should become upset or unsettled during the performance. Toddlers must remain on their parent’s lap throughout the performance and the aisles must be kept clear as the ‘performers’ will be moving through these areas.



Yours sincerely



Miss Penning, Miss Keal, Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Birtchnell and Mrs Yates

Key Stage 1


Key Stage 1 Christmas Concert – 2018



Child’s Name.................................................................................................. Class.................................................




  • I would like 2 tickets for 1.30pm Tuesday 11 December (for parents and toddlers only)


  • I would like 2 tickets for 6.00pm Wednesday 12  December


  • I would like 2 tickets for 6.00pm Thursday 13 December



    Should there be any spare tickets I would like ……….(Max 2) tickets for …………………..……………performance.


    Signature..................................................................................................................................... (Parent/Carer)



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