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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Legoland Y6 Trip letter

Dear Parents/Carers


As your child is now approaching the end of their time at primary school, we would like to organise a treat for them. On Wednesday 19 July, we would like to take all of Year 6 children to LEGOLAND.


The cost of the trip will be £19.90 and this includes entry to the park and transport there and back.  Payment for the trip can be made via Arbor or by cash to the office and must be paid in full by Monday 4th July.


Merlin Passes:  If you have a Merlin pass for your child, you will be able to use this this year and just pay for the coach cost, which is £11.40.  Please let us know if you will be using a Merlin pass by May 20th as we will have to amend the number of children on our booking.  If you are using a Merlin pass you have to book your own child’s ticket for this day and send a copy of the confirmation email to the office no later than the 12th July.  They must also bring their Merlin passes on the day to show on entry with the rest of the year group.  The children are responsible for these during the day.


The children may take a maximum of £10 spending money on the day.  Children should bring their spending money in a named envelope or secure purse/wallet.  The children will need to be responsible for this money for the duration of the trip.  This money should not be used to purchase their lunch – please see below for details regarding packed lunches.


All children can wear non-school uniform/leaver’s hoodies along with comfortable shoes and a waterproof jacket. They may bring a poncho for the water rides if they have one.  If the weather is kind to us, please ensure that children have a hat and suncream.  We do also like to go to the splash park if the weather is nice.  Children are welcome to bring swimwear and a towel (changing facilities are available).


The coach will be leaving the school at 9.00am and aims to return at approx. 6.00pm. We will keep you fully informed regarding the return journey. Please ensure your child knows whether to walk home or wait to be picked up.


The children will need a packed lunch on the day. However, they can bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry around all day.   NO GLASS BOTTLES, CANS OR SWEETS PLEASE.  

Those children who receive Free School Meals can be provided with a pre-ordered packed lunch on the day. Please request this in advance by email.


As the children will be representing the school, we will have high expectations of behaviour. As you will be aware we are running a recognition point system.


We want all children to finish their time at Galley Hill positively.  It has been decided that to attend the Lego Land trip, children will need to accumulate 28 recognition points.  These points can be collected from Monday 15th May up until Friday 14th July


These are earned one per day where the children follow school expectations. 

Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Your Best.


Children will start each day fresh and be able to earn a point.  We are aware that sometimes children will have a difficult day so we have allowed for this in the number we expect them to accumulate.  We will let both children and parents know if their child is at risk of not reaching the number of points required to attend and work together to support your child so they have the best chance of being able to go.    


As this is not an educational trip, ALL children will be required to pay the full amount by Monday 4th July at the very latest (this include coach only payments if using a Merlin Pass). If no payment has been received, your child will not be able to attend the trip. If your child does not wish to go, they must still come into school as normal on that day.


Yours sincerely


Miss Hosein                             Mrs Spooner

Year 6 



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