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Nursery Parent Info Letter


13 September 2018


Dear Parents/Carers


Welcome to Galley Hill Primary School’s Nursery class. Please speak to any member of staff if you have questions, we are here to help. I have included in this letter information that you may need for the year.


All children do need a waterproof coat at school every day (unless we are having a heatwave of course). They will go outside in the morning, at lunchtime (30 hours only) and during the afternoon.

Every other week the children will spend time outside in the woodland school. They will have their lesson in the woodland area in all weather. If they have a pair of own wellies they can hang them on their peg all year.


Nursery PE Day for the Autumn term is a Monday.

Their PE kits should be on their peg every day. Please label all your child’s clothes, PE kit, coat, hat, gloves, etc.

Please be aware that if you have written their name in with pen, it might wash off after a few washes! We do try our best to find all lost items.


Children can bring into school their own water bottle to drink from. Please make sure the bottle is named and contains only water. Children should also bring their book bag into school every day.


Reading Children were given an orange reading book. Please read stories with your child every day and write a little note (date and signature) in the orange book so we can praise your child for sharing the books and give them stickers.


In Early Years we plan our topics every week due to the time of the year or the interests of the children. Every Monday we will place the week’s topic and lesson headlines on the classroom window and on the Nursery website page. We also place the nursery rhyme of the week on the classroom window. Practise singing with them if possible and have fun learning with us.


We place all dates on the school website calendar so please check throughout the year.


Nursery Open Sessions

Every class in the school has open lessons a year when parents can come along and join in with their child’s learning. Our open sessions are

Thursday 25th October 8.30am until 9.30am for morning class; 12.30-1.30pm for the afternoon class.

Thursday 21st March 8.30 until 9.30am for morning class; 12.30-1.30pm for the afternoon class.

Thursday 23rd May 8.30 until 9.30am for morning class; 12.30-1.30pm for the afternoon class.


Parent Consultation Evenings

During the Autumn and Spring terms all parents are given the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. During the summer term you receive a written report. This term the consultation will be on Wednesday 17th October 3.30-6pm or Thursday 18th October 5-7.30pm. A letter will be sent home nearer the date for you to make time and date choices for the meeting.


Christmas Play

Nursery children always love singing so we decided we will sing Christmas songs to you all. Our performances will be on Friday 7th December at 10.45 am 2.45 pm. You don’t need tickets, just turn up and enjoy.


Sports Day

Morning Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 sports day will be on the morning of Wednesday 19th June. 10am until 11.30am.

Afternoon Nursery will have their sports day on Monday 17th June from 12.30pm until 1.30pm. You are all invited to come along and watch the children taking part in sporting activities on the school field.


Please read the school newsletter when it is sent to you via email on a Friday. This will let you know all information you need and keep you up to date with dates and events.


TOYS Children always like to bring in a toy from home. But children are not allowed to bring in toys or items from home into school. I am sure you can understand the sharing and losing issues this creates if all 30 children bring in a favourite toy from home or sneak it into their bag!



Thank you




Ms Handel, Mrs Payne, Mrs Trueman, Mrs Stanbridge

Nursery Staff


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