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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Nursery & Reception Parent Meeting

28  November 2019


Dear Parents


Tapestry Learning Journals


As part of the Foundation stage curriculum, the teachers and early year’s practitioners frequently undertake observations of your child.  These take place during child initiated learning (CHIL) and during adult led activities and help us tailor the curriculum to meet the needs of your children.  Currently these are written in a paper learning journal kept in school.  


During the next few months we will be transferring to an online learning journal called Tapestry. By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to view all of your child’s observations, photographs and even video from their time at Nursery and Reception. You will even receive an email telling you when a new observation or piece of work is available for you to view. This will enable you to follow your child’s individual progress closely and you can reflect upon their achievements with your child. You can add comments so that we as a staff find out about which activities your child really enjoyed and the learning they get up to at home.  We hope that staff will start to use the online system from Friday 24th January.  We hope that parents will be able to view your child’s online journal from Monday 27th January at the latest.  Just like you read your child’s observations and see photographs of your child in their paper learning journal, you will be able to see the same when you view it online.


E-safety is extremely important to us at Galley Hill, therefore we ask you to provide us with the following information below and to sign the agreement and other information overleaf to show that you understand and will agree with our guidelines. We do need permission from you to be able to upload your child’s photos into their online learning journal. If your child’s image is on another photo that we want to upload into another child’s online journal, we also need your permission. Only you will be able to view your child’s online journal.  Please ensure this agreement is signed and handed back to the class teacher by Friday 20th December. 


When this online system is successfully installed you will be able to view your child’s online journal using the Tapestry app which can be accessed via the Apple store or Android store.  If you click on your APP store app and then search ‘Tapestry Journal’.  You will see it come up like the logo above.  Then you can click to download.  On an android App store, when you search it will come up as ‘Tapestry Mobile’. 


To enable you to access your child’s journal we will require an email address. Can you please write clearly on the form overleaf. You will receive a password via email to access your child’s account from Tapestry.  To be able to alert you when a new observation has been uploaded for your child, Tapestry will hold your name and email address. They will also hold some information about your child including their name and date of birth.


We will be holding a Parent Information Session on Friday 13th December at 2.45- 3.10pm in the main hall. We will be explaining to you how to use the APP and how you can add your own photographs to your child’s learning journal.  Please arrive at the school office by 2.40pm.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Parsons

Reception Teacher and Computing Lead




Tapestry Learning Journals


Child’s Name: ......................................................................Team: …………………………….


Agreed guidelines for accessing and using Tapestry ‘Online Learning Journeys’


As a parent I will…


  • Not publish any of my child’s observations, photographs or videos on any social media site.
  • Keep the login details within my trusted family.
  • Speak to a member of staff if I experience any difficulties accessing my child’s learning journey.


I give permission…

  • I give permission for my details and my child’s details to be registered on Tapestry. 
  • I give permission for my child to have photographs taken during observations, which are saved on the Tapestry app. 
  • I give permission to have photographs of my child alongside other children included in another child’s Tapestry Learning Journal. 



I agree to the guidelines:


Signature: .............................................................................................................. (Parent/Carer)


Parent’s Name (PRINT name) …………………………..…………………………………………….


My Email Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………


Date: ………………………………………..



If you do not have access to e-mail please tick this box and you will be able to view your child’s learning Journey using school equipment during specific times throughout the year.



The email detailing your set up for Tapestry will come from Tapestry and not the school email.  Please ensure you check your junk mail. 


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