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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Parents Consultation - Feb 2021


Dear Parents / Carers,




As you will know from the newsletter, we have listened to feedback from the autumn term and have now identified an online system for virtual parent’s consultations via video call. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be holding appointments for parents and class teachers via School Cloud Parent’s Evenings System.


We feel these appointments are more important than ever in this current climate. It will give teachers and parents the opportunity to discuss how their child is progressing with their learning and for parents to ask for advice and support with remote learning as appropriate.


The system will work on any internet connected device and two parents can login to the appointment from different locations if this works better for you and your family. We are intending for appointment booking to go live tomorrow (Tuesday 2 February) at 12noon. We are using this technology for the first time so please be patient with us through any teething issues and of course contact the school office if you encounter any on-going issues or need support.


You access the booking system via this link: You should then be able to login using your child’s name and date of birth. Once you have booked your appointment, you should get an email confirming the time and with a link to click on at the appropriate time of your appointment. In order for the system to run smoothly, they are strictly timed 10 minute slots for each appointment. The teachers have no control over these and cannot extend the time of the appointment. The system will give you a count down at all times but it will automatically cut out after 10 minutes. We cannot override this so please accept our apologies in advance if you get cut off!


We have heard from the experience of others that the system does not work so well if all teachers are online at the same time. For this reason and due to the way the teachers are currently working, each teacher is setting their own parents consultation appointment times. These will be held between Thursday 4 February and Thursday 11 February. Each teacher will have morning appointments (approx. 8:30am – 10:30am), lunch time appointments (approx.. 12noon – 2pm) and late afternoon appointments (approx. 3:30pm – 5:30pm) available. We hope that with the convenience of being able to login from anywhere, one of these times will be suitable for you all. If you cannot make any of the times available for your child’s class teacher, please contact them to make a mutually convenient phone appointment. We will endeavour to send you a list of which days each teacher has appointments tomorrow morning to make this easier for you in the booking process.


We really hope this new system is a success in allowing you to keep in touch with your child’s class teacher. Following the consultations, we would welcome any feedback as ever.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs E. Birch

Head Teacher


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