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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Reception Christmas Concert


11th  November 2019


Dear Parents/Carers


   Reception Christmas Concert 



The Reception production of ‘The Nativity’ will take place in the main school hall on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 December at 2.15pm on both days.


Due to limited seating, we are only able to offer a maximum of 4 tickets total per child but we may not be able to issue all 4 for the same performance if the demand is high. 

You can request tickets using the school gateway system. To do this, please select the Christmas Production option for your Reception child, state how many tickets you require and for which date in the comment box and then checkout as normal (free of charge event).


This will be available from Monday 18 November and will close on Friday 6 December.

Once requests have been made, the Reception staff will give you tickets for the requested performance. Staff will start giving out tickets from the 3rd of December.


We will be issuing numbered tickets for all performances and we would like to make it very clear that every member of the audience, whether they are 1 month or 101 years old, will need to have and bring their own ticket! This is so that we do not break Health and Safety or Fire regulations.

For the same reasons we are unable to allow any buggies to come into the hall for the performances, unfortunately we cannot make any exceptions.

On Monday 9th December we will write a notice on the board outside the Reception classes to notify you if there are any spare tickets. You will then be able to ask the Reception class staff for any extra tickets.


We supply the costumes for the children, for a few parts, we might ask you to provide trousers, tights or a top of a certain colour. If we do require you to send in an item of clothing for your child, we will give you plenty of notice.



Yours sincerely



Mrs Parsons

Reception Teacher


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