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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Reception Parent Open Morning (Maths)


Reception Maths Open Morning



We would like to invite you to watch and join in with your child’s maths lesson on


Wednesday 7 November - 8.50 - 10am.


The activities you’ll be able to join in with are your child’s early morning busy fingers activity, singing the week’s nursery rhyme and their maths lesson.


We hope you will enjoy seeing how your child is taught maths and pick up some handy tips on how you can support them at home.


There will also be an opportunity to ask the teacher questions while the children engage in their own play after the lesson.


You can come into the class when you bring your child in the morning.


We are sorry but we cannot accommodate younger children in the classroom during the lesson.


Thank you


Mrs Parsons and Mrs Turner



Please return to the Class Teacher


Child’s name: _______________________________________


I _______________________________ (Parent/Carer) will be attending the Maths Lesson on Wednesday 7 November



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