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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Reception Willows Farm Trip 28/06/2019


23rd April 2019


Dear Parents/Carers


We have arranged to take the Reception Class children on a trip to Willows Farm, this will take place on Friday 28 June 2019.  As part of the topic the children will be learning about animals & the children will take part in an educational talk.


All children should be dressed in school uniform, wearing suitable shoes as we will be outside for the day. The children will also need a waterproof coat, preferably with a hood, in case it rains & if it’s a warm sunny day, children will need a sun hat and cream applied before school.

The coach will be leaving the school at 9.15am and aims to return at approx. 3.00pm.


The children will need a packed lunch from home or we can supply a school lunch providing this has been ordered in advance. They can bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry and lunchboxes can be awkward to carry around all day. NO glass bottles, cans, fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets please.


The cost of this trip will be £15.50 per child, which covers the transport and a workshop.  We do understand the cost of this trip is high, however as you are aware entrance fees to farms or zoos are high therefore this needs to be taken into consideration.

*You are more than welcome to pay in instalments if this is more suitable, School Gateway will show a reducing balance allowing a number of instalments to be made, however the full balance must be paid by Monday 24 June 2019.


Please log into your child’s school gateway account to give parent consent and make payment by Monday 24 June 2019. If you would like to order a school packed lunch, please ensure to order this in the comments section. School packed lunch MUST be ordered in advance, cannot be ordered on the day.


We will require parent volunteers to help out on this school trip, if you are available on this day and would like to help, please advise us in the comments section or speak to the class teacher. We will confirm with you nearer the time is your help is required.


Yours sincerely



Mrs Parsons                       Mrs Turner                  Mrs Cook         

Reception Teachers 



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