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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Y6 Parent Positive Minds Letter


3 April 2019



Dear Parents and Carers


In the Summer term we have arranged for our Year 6 children to take part in weekly wellbeing workshops led by the Community Sports and Education Trust at Watford Football Club. ‘Positive Minds’ is a ten-week programme of one hour workshops combining classroom and practical based sessions to engage students with the topic of mental health.

Topics include:

- Resilience

- Body Image & Living Well

- Internet Safety

- Anxiety and Stress

- Building Positive Relationships

- Consolidating Learning, Growth Mind Set and The Future

The ‘Positive Minds’ team would like to invite you to a parent workshop on Tuesday 23 April at 2.15pm, where they will give you more information about what the programme entails. If you would like to attend, please complete the form below and return to the school office.


Thank you





Mrs A Reynolds

Wellbeing Leader







  • I would like to attend the ‘Positive Minds’ parent workshop on Tuesday 23 April at 2.15pm.




Name_______________________________________ Child’s Name __________________________



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