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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 1 Collection Letter


20 December


Dear Parents/Carers


I hope your child has enjoyed their Autumn Term in Year 1 and your child has settled into their new routines.

Now that your child has become more independent, we would like to ask your support with drop off and collection arrangements. At the end of the day, please wait at the top of the pathway, when your class teacher sees you your child will be sent out. Please do not wait at the class door; it can be very challenging when sending the children out with so many parents surrounding the door and we would like to ensure that your child is safely sent home.


If you require to speak to the class teacher, please waiting until all of the children are sent to their parent or carer, then the staff member can talk to you without any distractions. Alternatively you can write a note for the class teacher or arrange another meeting time if you cannot wait.

In the mornings, the classroom door is open from 8.45am until 8.55am, the class teacher or teaching assistant will be waiting at the door during this time. They will be able to briefly speak to you or arrange an alternative time if longer is needed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to have long conversations at this time in the morning as the register needs to be taken and lessons started on time. Staff use the time before 8.45am to set up and prepare for the days’ lessons. If you would a conversation with the teacher before 8.45am one morning, please arrange this with the teacher in advance. 


Just a reminder that homework is on the website on a Friday and the green spelling book needs to be returned to your child’s class teacher on a Thursday. It is also expected that children read at least 3 x weekly and this is recorded in their reading records. Children are able to change their reading books as often as they would like if they have read at home. There is a box in the classroom that your child can put their book in which lets the teacher know they would like it changed. The Curriculum Overview and additional homework opportunities have already been sent home but they are also on the Year 1 class page on the Galley hill website, for your convenience.


I hope you have a lovely break and Team Year 1 wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Yours sincerely




Miss Penning

Year 1


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