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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 2 Key Stage 1 Phonics Workshop


4 February 2019


Dear Parents/Carers


Phonics Workshop


The KS1 team would like to invite you to a Phonics Workshop. This is an opportunity to see how we teach phonics, we will be sharing resources that will support your child with their learning, and we will be talking about the Year 1 phonics screening check which takes place in the Summer term.


  1. workshop will be held on Wednesday 20 March in the KS1 hall. Please arrive at 2.40pm as we will be starting the workshop promptly at 2.45pm.


Please can you sign below to let us know if you will be able to attend.



Yours sincerely





Mrs A Reynolds




Phonics Workshop



Parents/Carers Name___________________________ Class________________



  • I will be attending the Phonics Workshop on Wednesday 20 March


  • I cannot attend but would like to request any information shared at the workshop


Signature ........................................................................................................... (Parent/Carer)



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