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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 2 Sports Festival


10 January 2019


Dear Parents/Carers



The Year 2 children have been invited to a Sports Festival at Hemel Hempstead Sports Space on Thursday 24 January.


We will be leaving school at 9.15am and will return at 12pm. Lunch arrangements will remain the same.


Children can come to school in P.E. Kits including trainers plus extra warm clothing i.e joggers/jumper due to cold weather and they will also need a water bottle. Please ensure they bring their school uniform, children will change out of their PE kits and into their school uniform when we return to school.


As children will be leaving the school premises and travelling to the venue by coach, we will require parent permission. A consent only request has been set up on School gateway, please complete this by Monday 21 January.


We will require parent volunteers to support the children on this trip. If you are available to help, please state this in the comments box on school gateway or speak to your child’s class teacher.



Yours sincerely



Miss Penning

PE Leader


*** If you have not already activated your School Gateway account. It’s quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you.

Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store (Android and iPhone).


Visit the website: and click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text

message with a PIN number. Use this PIN to log into School Gateway.


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