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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 3 & 4 Cross Country


24 September


Dear Parents/Carers


The Year 3 and 4 children have been invited to a Cross Country Event at Laureate Academy on 8 October.


We will be leaving school at 9.00am and will return at 11.30am.


Lunch arrangements will remain the same.


Please ensure children have P.E. Kits including trainers / warm clothing in case of bad weather and a water bottle. 


Please complete the slip below and return to the class teacher by Thursday 3rd October, alternatively you can consent via School Gateway.


If you are able to help out on the trip please speak to your child’s class teacher.


Yours sincerely





Miss Penning

PE Leader


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