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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 3 Celtic Harmony Virtual Trip

24 November 2021


Dear Parents/Carers


Unfortunately, due to the current Covid outbreak situation, we are unable to take the children to Celtic Harmony for their trip on The Stone Age. However, we have arranged for the Year 3 children to receive a remote learning experience on The Stone Age instead.

This will take place on Tuesday 30 November 2021.  We feel that this experience will enrich their learning about this topic and really bring it to life.  Please look at the web link below to see what can be expected; there is information, pictures and videos to watch


Due to the experience taking place in school, all necessary Covid precautions will be in place.


As we will be doing various activities indoors and out, please can you send your child in wearing clothes that can get mucky and/or muddy. They will also need a change of footwear for when they come back inside, please send in an additional pair of shoes, wellies preferably.


The cost of this experience will be just £2.00 per child.   


This can be paid online via the School Gateway payment system along with giving parental consent.

If you have already paid, you will receive a refund for the difference, you will be notified when this has been processed.


Please can we make you aware that when trips are arranged, the cost is based on the total number of children in that particular year/class group.


Thank you for your support in this matter.


Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the virtual trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries, please speak to your child’s teacher. If you have any difficulties in paying this, please contact the office.



Yours sincerely


Mrs Birtchnell              Mrs Higgs                    Miss Keal

Year 3


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