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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 3 Natural History Museum Trip



Dear Parents/Carers


We have arranged to take the Year 3 children on a trip to the Natural History Museum, London. This will take place on Monday 4 June 2018.

In class we are learning about earthquakes and volcanoes.


All children must be dressed in school uniform.

The coach will be leaving the school at 9.15am and aims to return at approx. 3.00pm. We will keep you fully informed regarding the return journey.

We will need some adult volunteers on the day, if you can help, please indicate below.


The children will need a packed lunch on the day. However, they can bring their lunches in a rucksack as this will be easier to carry around all day.

NO glass bottles, cans or sweets please.

Those children who receive Free School Meals can be provided with a pre-ordered packed lunch on the day. Please specify below if you wish your child to order one.


The cost of this trip will be £10.00 per child, which will cover the cost of activities and the coach. This can be paid by cash, cheque or via the School Gateway online payment system. Please can any cheques be made payable to Galley Hill Primary School.


Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries or difficulties paying this, please do call the office.


Please kindly fill in the permission slip below, with payment and return it to school by Monday 14 May 2018.



Yours sincerely




Miss Ewer Mrs Higgs Miss Jones

Year 3



Year 3 Trip - Natural History Museum on Monday 4 June 2018



Child’s Name ………………………………………………………….…….…… Class ………………….…………….


Tick accordingly

  • I give permission for my child to go on the trip to the Natural History Museum
  • I enclose £10.00
  • I have paid £……. online via the School Gateway
  • I would like to request a school packed lunch on that day (Free School Meals only)
  • I can help on the day ………………………………………………...…… (Parent Name)
  • I give permission for local walks



Signature ………………………………………………………….……………………………………. (Parent/Carer)



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