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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 4 St Albans Cathedral Trip

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday 26th January 2024 we have arranged to take Year 4 Coral and Opal Class on a trip to St Albans Abbey to experience the Roman Festival.  I apologise for the short notice after Christmas, unfortunately we have been waiting for confirmation from St Albans Cathedral. We have taken the previous year 4 and felt it was a really valuable visit to help the children understand life as a Roman in Britain. This is the only school trip of the year as both others have been/will be workshops within school. This trip includes 3 different workshops at the Cathedral, Alban and the Romans: learning about everyday life in the Roman town of Verulamium, including the life of St Alban, Roman Food: creating and sampling some wonderful delicacies using ancient Roman recipes, and Artefact Blanket Dig: going back in time from the present, via the Saxons to the Roman period, and having the opportunity to explore and handle various artefacts on the way.

All children should be dressed in school uniform. The coach will be leaving the school at 9.15am and aims to return at approx. 3.00pm.


The children will need a packed lunch from home or we can supply a school lunch providing this has been ordered in advance. NO glass bottles, cans, fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets please.


The cost of this trip will be £14.00 per child, which covers the transport and entrance fees.


Please log into your child’s Arbor account to give parent consent and make payment by Friday 26th  January 2024. If you would like to order a school packed lunch, please ensure you email the office to request this. School packed lunch MUST be ordered in advance, cannot be ordered on the day.


Please can we make you aware that when trips are arranged, the cost is based on the total number of children in that particular year/class group. Depending on venue, we usually have to pay in advance. If for any reason your child is not in school on the day of the trip, unfortunately, we will not be able to refund you as payment to the venue and transport will have already been paid for. Thank you for your support in this matter.  Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries or difficulties paying this, please contact the office.


We will require parent volunteers to help out on this school trip, if you are available on this day and would like to help, please email the office or speak to the class teacher. We will confirm with you nearer the time is your help is required.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Higgs / Mrs Birtchnell           Mrs Ewer / Mrs Larner

Opal Class Teachers                            Coral Class Teachers          



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