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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 4 Tri-Golf Tournament



23rd April


Dear Parents/Carers


Your child has been selected to represent the school at a Tri-golf tournament at Centurion Golf club.


Centurion Golf club


Friday 4 May.



In the morning The Club Professional will be present for the Tri Golf competition on Friday and along with this there a great opportunity for children to watch the Pro-Am (professionals & amateurs) amongst the Golf Sixes first tee grandstand. This is likely to be used as TV footage for the main event over the weekend.


In the afternoon, children will be taking part in their own Tri-Golf School Games Competition. Please ensure that they have their PE Kit including trainers / warm clothing in case of bad weather and a water bottle. The tournament will take place on the field.


Galley Hill will arrange transport to and from the venue. Please can your child bring in a packed lunch. However, if you would like to order a school packed lunch please confirm on the slip below. This will be charged at the usual rate for school meals unless your child is in receipt of Free School Meals.


Please complete the slip below and return to the office by Friday 27 April.


Yours sincerely




Miss Penning

PE Leader



Tri Golf Tournament at Centurion Golf Club - Friday 4 May 2018


I give permission for ………………………………………………………… Class ……………

To attend the Tri-Golf Tournament on Friday 4 March.


I would like to pre-order a packed lunch for the Tri-golf tournament.

I will provide my child with a packed lunch for the Tri-golf tournament.

I confirm that I have given photo/filming consent whilst at the tournament


Signed …………………………………………………………………………………. Parent/Carer


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