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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 5 Local Walk


9 January 2020



Dear Parents/Carers


We have arranged to take the Year 5 children on a local walk around Hemel Hempstead Town.  This will take place on Friday 31 January 2020. 

The guided walk around the local area will include Gadebridge Park, St Marys Church, Old Town High Street, Marlowes and the Water Gardens as part of our topic on Hemel Hempstead.  The children will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am and will return before the end of the school day.


As the weather is often unpredictable (weather forecast pending!), please ensure that you send your child into school with appropriate clothing e.g. a waterproof/warm coat, sensible shoes for walking.


All children must be dressed in school uniform.


The children will need a packed lunch on the day. However, they can bring their lunches in a rucksack, as this will be easier to carry around all day.   NO GLASS BOTTLES, CANS OR SWEETS PLEASE.  

Those children who receive Free School Meals, can pre-order one via the School Gateway app.


Please can you give parental consent via School Gateway. If you require assistance downloading the app, please see below or pop into the office.


If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.




Yours sincerely



Mrs Cole                      Mrs Larner                   Miss Featherstone

Year 5


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