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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 5 NSPCC Letter


 4 May 2018



Dear Parents/Carers


As part of our PSHE topic on ‘Health and Wellbeing’ this term we are learning about managing risks. Our lesson next week is focusing the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords, addresses and the distribution of images of themselves and others.


We will be using resources from the NSPCC website which link to this topic and use short cartoon video clips to support our discussions. Please find the link below.

we will be watching the ‘share aware’ clip and Alex and Lucy’s videos which are at the bottom of the page.


We will be watching all three video clips which introduce the ideas of thinking about the images they share, the information they share and the possible consequences of those actions. There are also links and useful information to support you as parents to have these discussions at home.


We hope to share this learning with all of the children however, if you would prefer your child(ren) not to watch these clips please complete the slip below and return it to your child’s class teacher. They will still be able to participate in the lesson but will leave the room for this short section. If we do not receive a slip we will presume that they can participate fully.


Yours Sincerely


Mrs D Spooner                    Miss H Duggan










  1. 5 PSHE - Online Safety NSPCC online clips. Class __________________________________


  • I do not want my child ______________________________________ to watch the NSPCC clips.


Signed _________________________________________________________________ (parent/carer)



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