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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 6 (2019) PGL Residential Trip


9 November 2018

Dear Parents/Carers


We have planned next year’s Year 6 residential trip (for our current Year 5s) to PGL’s Liddington in Wiltshire. This will take place from Monday 21 to Friday 25 October 2019. We do not believe that there are any prospective parents evenings at secondary schools currently booked during this week.


The approximate cost for the trip will be £389.00 with an initial deposit of £59.00 to be paid by Monday 3 December 2018. The price includes accommodation, activities, food and travel. We can only give an approximate cost for the trip until we know the exact numbers going to book a correct sized coach, but it is not anticipated to be any more than this.


Please be aware that once a deposit has been paid this will be seen as a commitment to pay the full amount. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no refunds will be made. You may pay the remainder of the balance in a lump sum, or on the due dates which are 01 February 2019, 01 May 2019 and 01 July 2019. This can be done on The School Gateway App. We will also accept post-dated cheques (3 x £110) on these dates. The full payment deadline is Monday 01 July 2019.


We have decided to continue to go early during the school year as the pupils come back on a real high and very motivated to work hard for the rest of the year!


If you would like some information on PGL Liddington, please refer to their website and look for Boreatton Park Liddington. All the information you need should be found here. If you still have some questions regarding the trip, please catch Miss Hosein or Miss Duggan on the playground.


We want this trip to be available for all and grants towards the cost may be available in some circumstances. Please speak to the office to arrange an appointment if you wish to discuss this further. No place can be booked on the trip without a deposit.


We hope this will be an exciting and enjoyable experience for all of the children. It allows us to provide additional outdoor and adventurous activities. We would be delighted if all of the children currently in Year 5 were able to come.


We expect the children’s behaviour on the trip to be exemplary and so if a pupil regularly misbehaves in school or there is a major incident, then we may be unable to take him or her, and we will not be able to refund any money already paid. In addition, if there is any misbehaviour during the trip, parents will be expected to collect their child immediately.


Please complete the attached slip and return it to school by Friday 23 November 2018.


Yours sincerely



Miss Duggan                Miss E Hosein











NAME OF CHILD ……………………......……………………………CLASS…………….





Please tick as appropriate:


  • I would like my child to go on the residential trip and commit to paying a £59 deposit by 01 December 2018. I will pay the balance in 3 instalments on School Gateway.


  •  I would like my child to go on the residential trip and enclose a £59 deposit

         and 3 post-dated cheques (3 X £110).


  •  I understand the need for my child to behave well and the consequences of



  •  I understand that once the £59.00 deposit is paid this will be seen as a commitment to pay the full amount.


  •  My child will not be going on the residential trip because:










Signed……………………………………………………………… Date……........……………….



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