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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 6 Harry Potter Trip 04/06/2019


23 April 2019


Dear Parents/Carers


We have arranged to take the Year 6 children on a trip to Harry Potter World, Watford.  This will take place on Tuesday 4 June 2019.

In class we are reading the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in English.


Due to this attraction requiring full payment in advance, we are kindly requesting if payment can be made as soon as possible. We will need to receive at least a 50% deposit as soon as possible with the balance by Monday 20 May 2019.


All children must be dressed in school uniform.

The coach will be leaving school at 12 noon and aim to return at approx. 6.30pm. We will keep you fully informed regarding the return journey.


The children will be eating their lunch slightly earlier that day, as they will be leaving school at lunchtime. They will need their packed lunch or order a school dinner as normal.

For convenience, if you wish your child to have a school dinner on that day, please can you remind them to order it at registration on the morning of the trip.


The cost of this trip will be £23.50 per child, which will cover the cost of entrance and the coach. Please note that the school have subsidised some of this trip to help with the cost.

Please can this be paid online via the School Gateway payment system along with giving parental consent.

If you require any assistance downloading the app, please see below or pop into the office.

You can also pay by cash or cheque. Please can any cheques be made payable to Galley Hill Primary School.


Unfortunately, if insufficient funds are received, the trip will have to be cancelled. If you have any queries or difficulties paying this, please do call the office.


Please kindly fill in the permission slip below, with payment as soon as possible and return it to school asap.



Yours sincerely




Miss Hosein                             Miss Simmons                         Dr Inglis

Year 6 


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