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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 6 Puberty letter

2nd October


Dear Parents/Carers


During Year Five the children were due to complete puberty lessons as part of their national curriculum science lessons. Due to unprecedented events last year, this will now take place in the Autumn Term.


Children from both year six classes will complete this session during their PSHE lesson on Friday 16th October within their own class bubbles. We are unable to invite parents to come in to view the DVD this year. This session will only cover puberty and their sex education lesson will remain in the Summer Term. We will watch the video and then take questions from the children. If we feel that a question is too advanced or inappropriate for their age group, we will decline to answer it.


Please be aware your child may wish to talk about their learning at home.


Yours sincerely


Miss Duggan                                    Mrs Spooner

Year 6 Teacher                                Year 6 Teacher

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