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Galley Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead     Value of the Month - 'RESPONSIBILITY'

Year 6 Sex Education Talk


25 June 2018


Dear Parents/Carers


On Friday 6 July, as part of the sex education programme, the Year 6 children will be having a talk and be shown a sex and puberty education DVD.


If you wish to view the video before it is shown to the children, you may come in and view it on Friday 6 July at 8.30am.


Please complete the slip below and return to school by Friday 29 June at the latest.


Yours sincerely




Dr Inglis Miss Hosein

Year 6




Sex Education Lesson




Child’s Name ……...………………………………….………… Class ……………….



(Please tick as applicable)

  • My child can take part in the talk on sex education and watch the video


  • I do not wish our child to take part in the talk or watch the sex education video


  • I would like to view the video at 8:30am on Friday 6 July.




Signature ……………………………….…………………………………. (Parent/Carer)


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